

Da har man endelig fått seg en egen logo :-). Ideen er gammel men måtte mognas i hugen et par år. Ferdig produkt ble utarbeidet i samarbeid med min kone Eva og min datter Lone Helene. 

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4-5 of september I had the pleasure of guiding 8 journalist and three companions. Monica from Rana turistkontor, Knut from Nordnorsk reiseliv and Marit Valla from Hemnes municipality. Svein Arne and Bodil from Hemnes tourist association also guided up the trail to the cabin.

In the evening we ate lamb and fish made in traditionally norwegian way and Svein Arne was telling about the Rabot tourist cabin. Svein Arne, Bodil and Marit walked down and we whent to bed. 

After a good night sleep we had breakfast and we put on harness and roped up for a walk on the glacier.

The weather was not on our side. The fog was so dense so we could not see the Okstind mountains but it was worth the trip anyway.

After the glacier walk we ate lunch and headed to Kjennsvass cabin. The fog was not so dense so photography was possible.

Picture: The Thousand meter lake.

Picture below: Some got wet on their feet while crossing a small river.

We also had to cross a suspenion bridge and it was exciting.

Some places the trail was narrow. In the rainy weather the rock slippery it was good to have a whire to hold on to.

Picture below: Finally we could see the Kjennsvass cabin in the end of the rainbow. 

On the way down Klemet Hillside and the Tourist hill we found cloudberries and blueberries. That taste very nice after 11 km hiking on the mountain.

When we arrived they got to eat and rest. The next day the top of the roof in northern Norway was waiting, Oksskolten.


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Lonely planet

Jo and Steve on the highest point on the west side of the Okstind glacier

Picture: Taken on the glacier

July 21. Jo and Steve from Lonely Planet arrived the Rabot-cabin in blue sky and sunny weather. I guided them on the West ice on Okstindbreen. The trip took ca 3,5 hours and we got a nice tan (brown to dark red). 

They had a great time and we could see all the way to Børgefjell from where we turned back to the Rabot- cabin.



Picture: Tomskjevelen (922 m.asl) far back in the middle of the picture

Picture: Steve enjoing working here

Link to article in Lonely planet magazine:



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  1. I had a litle hike on Okstindbreen last week and Vegard took the time to join me. The weather was not at its best but the trip was perfect. The blue ice does not shine like in sunny weather but it is magnificent regardless.

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Snakker om kontraster i denne kommunen. For to dager siden guidet jeg to journalister fra Lonely Planet på Rabothytta og Okstindbreen i samarbeid med Hemnes turistforening og Svein Arne. I dag har jeg, Oskar og Eva vandret i skogen, sett elgku med kalv og plukket de første blåbærene dette året. Til kvelds laget vi bål ved sjøen og fisket Oskar sin første fisk. Fisken ble nøye observert og studert. Fisken har munn, øyne og en slags hake, men ørene ble ikke funnet av Oskar. Far har obdusert fisk før og jeg regner med at det blir flere.

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Fri og Frank

Nordvegen 14
8640 Hemnesberget
+47 95 22 33 11